The amazing journey of completing the Maupin Deschutes River Athletic Complex had everyone on the team pushing toward that finish line in May.

We had a crazy spring that weather and covid did not help on our timelines, however we finished painting the final lines on the track 3 days prior to the district meet.

In order to pull this event off we needed a little help from our friends in the track and field community. We finished the track and field but lacked the equipment to host a track meet. I reached out to several of my friends who are coaches at programs in the Portland area. Jesuit donated our high jump pads and standards as well as the pole vault standard. Sherman High School graciously let us borrow their Pole Vault pads and a balance of the hurdles.
We received over 60 hurdles from Scappoose High School along with 11 sets of starting blocks which allowed us to be equipment ready for the meet. Our friends from Beynon produced decals for the hurdles that were applied to show the pride of the Redsides Track and Field Program.

Our friends from Arlington High School came with their timing equipment that allowed us to time the meet that we built through the meet program the day before!
The District Meet was a success. There were 165 personal best times set on the "Infinity Track" and the times and marks registered allowed for better seed times as the athletes competed at the State Meet at Hayward Field.

A dream came true for Holly Miles and her teammates. The community came out and supported the athletes, meet management and the Maupin Market had it's biggest day of the year equalling sales similar to a Saturday during August during rafting season!

Many of you might already know but as we were putting the final touches on the track we received a rural infrastructure grant for nearly $1,000,000 dollars that will allow us to put in the grandstands and lighting to make this a true sport and event destination. House Bill 5202 and thank you Kate Brown for including DRAC in this generous grant.
The Future is coming.....
The middle school athletes loved being out on the facility and a youth and family track program was started this summer.
Mark your calendars....
September 24th we will be holding a formal dedication of the track and bringing back many that helped make it happen. In the summer of 2020 The Oregon National Guard created the footprint for what we have today underneath the track. We will celebrate with the business and school community, the National Guard, the DRAC Team. Stay tuned for some special guests and a potentially record breaking attempt that you will not want to miss.
